What Am I Riddles are fascinating and yet deceitful simple enigmas that are bound to delight kids and grownups alike. They all share the same descriptive structure. The riddles are written in the first person as if someone describing themselves using metaphors and wordplay. Every riddle begins or ends with a challenge to the players: “What Am I?”, as if positive that they can never be found, not even with all the clues they provide. Is this self-assuredness valid or can you solve all these tricky riddles?
112 What Am I Riddles With Answers
What Am I riddles are a sort of “forbidden word” game but in the shape of a riddle. It is a descriptive enigma with, traditionally, a single-word answer, be it an object, a letter, a name, or something else. Easy riddles of this sort will use descriptive words associated with the answer to make it more simple to make the connection. However, the funniest and more challenging ones, are the riddles that appeal to a different imaginary. One that seems completely unrelated or that sends the players in a different thinking direction, only to surprise them when the answer is revealed. Can you find any example among these What Am I riddles with answers?