What Am I Riddles

I act like a cat, I look like a cat, yet I am not a cat. What am I?

Answer: A kitten.

In spring I am gay in handsome array; in summer more clothing I wear; when colder it grows I fling off my clothes; and in winter quite naked appear. What am I?

Answer: A Tree

You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead. What am I?

Answer: An onion

I’ve crowned victors’ heads since ancient Rome. Around Christmastime, I might be in your home. What am I?

Answer: A wreath

I am a fruit. I taste very yummy. I came from trees, of course. I am color orange. What am I?

Answer: Orange

A little pool with two layers of wall around it. One white and soft and the other dark and hard, amidst a light brown grassy lawn with an outline of a green grass. What am I?

Answer: A Coconut

My voice is tender, my waist is slender and I'm often invited to play. Yet wherever I go I must take my bow or else I have nothing to say. What am I?

Answer: A violin

With pointed fangs, it sits in wait. With piercing force, it doles out fate. Over bloodless victims proclaiming its might; eternally joining in a single bite. What am I?

Answer: A stapler

I have four wings, but cannot fly, I never laugh and never cry; On the same spot I'm always found, toiling away with little sound. What am I?

Answer: A Windmill

I have an eye but cannot see. I am stronger and faster then any man alive but have no limbs. What am I?

Answer: I'm a hurricane
Last Updated: Thursday, November 14, 2024

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