Short Riddles

Riddles come in all shapes and sizes, even if size doesn’t matter. Just check these short riddles and see for yourself. While it’s true that hard riddles often sport longer texts, short enigmas are not to be disdained. To make up for their size, they normally employ some wordplay or tricky associations that catch the player by surprise. Solving them is less about interpreting the text and more about thinking outside the box. Why don’t you give them a go and try for yourself?

210 Short Riddles With Answers

I can be written, I can be spoken, I can be exposed, I can be broken.

Answer: News

What goes further the slower it goes?

Answer: Money

What kind of nut is empty at the center and has no shell?

Answer: Doughnut

My first is high, My second damp, My whole a tie, A writer's cramp.

Answer: Hyphen. The first two lines yield high-fen. A hyphen is used by a writer to tie (or cramp) two words together

What can you catch but not throw?

Answer: Cold

A hundred feet in the air, but it's back is on the ground. What is it?

Answer: A centipede flipped over

I am a tree, but I am very small... Who am I?

Answer: grass

What can go up and come down without moving?

Answer: The temperature

What goes up but never comes down?

Answer: Age.

What kind of can never needs a can-opener?

Answer: A pelican!

What gets wetter the more it dries?

Answer: A towel

Why did the baseball coach tell the baseball player to go to the bank?

Answer: Because the baseball coach wanted his quarter back!

When set loose I fly away. Never so cursed as when I go astray.

Answer: Fart

What falls but doesn't break, and what breaks but doesn't fall?

Answer: Night and Day

What tree do Fortune Tellers look at?

Answer: A palm tree of course

What can burn the eyes, sting the mouth, yet be consumed?

Answer: Salt

Whilst I was engaged in sitting. I spied the dead carrying the living

Answer: Ship

Who is he that runs without a leg. And his house on his back?

Answer: Snail

how do you make 30p with 2 coins? one of them is not a 20p..

Answer: a 20p and a 10p . one of them isnt a 20p, but the other one is!

What goes through a door but never goes in. And never comes out?

Answer: Keyhole

Iron roof, glass walls, burns and burns and never falls.

Answer: Lantern

What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has T in it?

Answer: A teapot

I wear a red robe, with staff in hand, and a stone in my throat.

Answer: Cherry

One word in this sentence is misspelled. What word is it?

Answer: It isn't spelled wrong, the one word in this sentence misspelled is “misspelled.“

Runs smoother than any rhyme, loves to fall but cannot climb!

Answer: Water

What kind of pet always stays on the floor?

Answer: Carpet

I crawl on the earth. And rise on a pillar.

Answer: Shadow

How many three cent stamps are in a dozen?

Answer: A dozen, although you probably said four

What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten?

Answer: Deck

What does no man want, yet no man want to lose?

Answer: Work

I know a word with three letters. Add two, and fewer there will be.

Answer: The word “Few“

Break it and it is better, immediately set and harder to break again.

Answer: Record

What is more useful when it is broken?

Answer: An egg

What measures out time. Until in time all is smashed to it?

Answer: Sand

What can you put in a barrel to make it lighter?

Answer: Hole

I killed one fourth of mankind. Who am I?

Answer: Cain (who killed Abel)

How is it possible to shave three times a day and still grow a beard?

Answer: If you were a barber, you could shave other men three times a day and still grow your own beard

What has a single eye but cannot see?

Answer: Needle

What gets wetter the more it dries?

Answer: A towel.

Of no use to one, Bliss to two. Men lie for it. The baby’s right,

Answer: Kiss

What kind of room has no windows or doors?

Answer: Mushroom

What stays where it is when it goes off?

Answer: A Gun

What is often returned, but never borrowed/

Answer: Thanks

Look into my face and I'm everybody. Scratch my back and I'm nobody.

Answer: Mirror

Almost everyone needs it, asks for it, gives it. But almost nobody takes it.

Answer: Advice

What time is it when the clock strikes 13?

Answer: Time to get the clock fixed

What asks but never answers?

Answer: Owl

What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?

Answer: Penny

What is that over the head and under the hat?

Answer: Hair

I'm tall when I'm young and short when I'm old. What am I?

Answer: A candle.

Short riddles and easy riddles are often bundled together, but even if they greatly overlap, they are not the same. It is true that simple and short sentences indeed tend to result in simpler word puzzles. However, the difficulty of a riddle is not measured by how much text it employs, but rather by how tricky and challenging it is for the brain. Check out our collection of hard riddles and you might be surprised to find many short ones there. Or you can keep solving the riddles in this category. Even if the easy ones might give you a run for your money.

Last Updated: Wednesday, November 6, 2024

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