All curious minds enjoy a bit of a challenge that makes them scratch their heads in search of a solution, but sometimes the brain also needs an amuse-bouche to warm it up. That’s where easy riddles come in. They have just the right amount of challenge and fun to light up the mood and bring a smile to anyone’s face, without straining the mind. They are also perfect as an introduction to the world of riddles and conundrums, either as an appetizer to a more challenging game or to keep things light and fun. Well, that’s the goal, at least, but can you solve all of these?
33 Easy Riddles With Answers
Explore the world of riddles or create light-hearted games using these easy riddles as the first step into a brain-teasing challenge. Just because they are “supposedly” easy, it doesn’t mean they are not fun or won’t make you think hard. Some of these are also perfect kids’ riddles, while others would fall into the riddles for adults category. Their difficulty level is solely based on how quickly most people can decipher their solutions. However, if the answer were obvious, these would not be riddles at all. So, if you can’t solve them quickly, don’t despair. Take it as motivation to keep getting better and maybe learn a few strategies to solve riddles, and soon enough these will be easy peasy!